[CQ-Contest] Ideal Transceiver Discussion

Lee Buller k0wa at southwind.net
Wed Jul 9 10:53:16 EDT 1997

A friend of mine just purchased an ICOM 765 and I have been looking at my
TS850 with a jaundice eye.  Should I trade?  Should I move from Kenwood to
something else.  I've been a Kenwood guy since the 520.  But, I've read all
the mail concerning what other people are using and there seems to be no
ideal rig out there at this time.  So....  The question I pose here is;
"What would constitute the ideal rig for contesting and dxing?"  Maybe, we
could forward the list to those people who might be interested in looking at
what we want.

Here is some ideas to start with....(by no means am I an expert in this area)

General Features:

Two antenna input - PC keyboard interface - RS232 Interface - Programming
Language that is easy to learn and use - Windows Program (user could
configure for as much or as little) - large frequency/information display -
peak display of power, alc, swr, compression, s-meter.  


200 watts output (drive that linear) - RF Speach processing - Memory Keyer -
Two inputs for paddles/keys - RTTY input (FSK/ASFK) - low power output for
transverters (more than one switchable) - XIT with clear button - Smooth
power output control - no transmit overshoot - antenna tuner (Pi-L type with
memories for CW and SSB portion of the bands) - 


Crystal/Mechanical filters - triple conversion - filters in all IF stages -
RIT with clear button - bandpass tuning - effect notch filter - Audio DSP
(with operator controls) - input for transverters (more than one switchable)
- great dynamic range, selectivity, sensitivity - sub-receiver or secondary
receiver - 

Now, I haven't got a complete list of features listed here....but all you
experts out there might have a lot more ideas.

What are your thoughts?

Lee Buller
k0wa at southwind.net

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