[CQ-Contest] FD humor

Bill Feidt wfeidt at cpcug.org
Sat Jul 12 09:03:38 EDT 1997

Heard a similar occurrence on 20 meters. The guy called a 10x10 or so CQ
and about 15 guys came back to him.  He made the same comment that Rich
reported after which no one responded.  He then said, "Well, **somebody**

I love Field Day.


William B. Feidt (Bill)  NG3K
wfeidt at cpcug.org

On Sat, 12 Jul 1997, Rich L. Boyd wrote:

> True story is told from a local FD operation:  On 40 phone the pileup got 
> large, which is generally a good thing.  But the inexperienced op, 
> flustered, said, "Hey, you guys, call one at a time!"

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