[CQ-Contest] Some Contest-Rule Topics

Dan Weisenburger kw4t at erols.com
Tue Jul 22 09:53:16 EDT 1997

Hi Group,

I'll try to be brief:

I tip my hat to those who can influence a multiplier to move to another 
band but I think it should be limited to "multi-operator" stations and 
"all-banders".  I feel it violates the spirit of the contest for 
"single-banders" such as myself.  Granted, check log contacts are great 
and can help stations which are competeing in other catagories but single 
band should be just that - "Single-Band".  All reception and transmission 
 must be on a single band.

As far as calling QRO and dropping to 150 or 5 watts,  this is just as 
bad as the DX-NETS where the "list-taker" is the only one with a good 
station and/or the skills to really work DX. [I know it's another 
discussion on another reflector - :) ]

During Dayton I was chatting with some of our brethern about the 
compliment my signal got from a certain ZL and how it sounded louder than 
most low-power stations, I said I should have kicked in the AMP just so 
he could hear what my QRO signal would be like...I was chastised... and I 
wanted to do it just as a brief QSO during the contest period...the 
contact and exchange was already completed....Oh Well!  ;}

I do pray that someday I'll get spotted in a EU packet cluster and get a 
lot of calls.

Still Broke in Lake Moneysgone,  Dan,  KW4T

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