[CQ-Contest] Re word my last letter

binkrote at att.com binkrote at att.com
Tue Jul 29 10:38:57 EDT 1997

I have already had one phone call regarding my letter of yesterday, and
after rereading it I can see why it was misinterpreted.

The context of the letter is against the very few rouges who push the
envelope of honesty to and usually past the breaking point.    I am not
at all anti-technology, in fact I applaud those who push the frontiers
of technology.  That is how we get those breakthroughs that we all now
take for granted.

There are those among us that still contest with a paper and straight
keys.  There are those like me who use aids (computer logging, packet
spots) but cant afford to go much beyond that,.  And there are those
that use two radio's and all the gadgets that I can only imagine about.

I know I can never compete on their level (cost and desire).  I know I
will never know what the winners circle looks like from the inside, but
still get enough gratification from the race itself.  I will be in there
kicking and scratching with everyone and the contest itself has many
small victories that still make it worthy of playing.

Time has it's way of slowing us down a bit.  Most of my competitive
effort is now directed to Multi-op situations.  I know the 48 hours with
little sleep is no longer fun.  Situations change, and so must you.
Contests that I went full bore a few years ago, now only get a few hours
of my attenuation (family growing older (teenage years) and they are
require more attention and are more important than my hobby).

When the fun of the chase goes away, I will move on to something else (
I have boxes and boxes of "N" gauge model railroad stuff  packed away).
BUT until then, radio-sport is still the most exciting thing in the best
hobby in the world.

Bill K2NJ

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