[CQ-Contest] RE: 1997 YO DX Contest - Logs via E-mail

yo3ctk yo3ctk at alltrom.ro
Wed Jul 30 15:15:47 EDT 1997

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Trey Garlough [SMTP:trey at kkn.net]
	Sent:	None
	To:	yo3ctk at alltrom.ro
	Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] 1997 YO DX Contest - Invitation
                      and Rules

	   11. Deadline: all entries must be postmarked within 30 days
               after the contest and mailed to the following address:

	   Romanian Amateur Radio Federation P.O.Box 22-50 R-71100
           Bucuresti,  ROMANIA

	Hi Mike.  Too bad you are not accepting the logs via email!
                  Maybe next year!


	Hi Trey,
	Hi everybody,

	I checked with the Romanian Federation (FRR) and they agreed to
accept logs via E-mail as well, as an incentive to boost international

	As FRR has currently no Internet connection, I volunteered to
take care of E-mail log submission. My E-mail address is:

	yo3ctk at alltrom.ro

	I can handle .TXT files as attachment to an E-mail message.
Please do not send me CT .BIN files, as scoring for this contest is not
supported by CT. Word or other Windows95 text editors files are also OK,
because I will simply print those files and forward them to FRR.

	Subject line may be like:

	YO DX 1997 log for N2GM SO/AB (or whatever is appropriate)

	In the message body please put again your callsign and category.
The summary sheet and logs for each band must be in separate files,
attached separately (minimum 2 files, maximum 6 files), according to
rules for this contest.

	Please feel free to contact me if any additional information is
necessary. However, please note that I am NOT the organizer for this
contest; I am doing just volunteer work.

As for logging software supporting YO DX Contest, I was informed by Paul
O'Kane, EI5DI, that his SD (Super-Duper) software has Country and Area
Multiplier files for many contests, including YO DX. You might want to
take a look at

(usual disclaimer: not connected in any way with EI5DI)

Also TR-Log at www.QTH.com/tr

I am not sure what kind of files this software is generating.

Hope to meet you in the contest. Enjoy !

73 de Mike, YO3CTK

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