[CQ-Contest] Field Day is a Joke...

Randy Thompson k5zd at ultranet.com
Mon Jun 30 21:24:02 EDT 1997

On Monday, June 30, 1997 7:54 AM, Ken N4UK [SMTP:ramirezk at emi.com] wrote:
> Field Day has strayed from its basic tenet of providing
> an actual and real life emergency communications drill in
> preparation for the real McCoy. Field Day should be limited to
> Batteries and small generators, 100 watt power levels, small,
> portable antennas, and basic communications methods.
> (voice,cw,packet) The idea is to set up portable emergency
> communications in the fastest time possible after a disaster has
> happened. 20 dedicated and knowledgeable operators don't easily
> assemble in fast time with all the above equipment. A good
> percentage of the participants I have met at a field day
> exercise don't even know how to connect up an amplifier to an
> exciter!
>         I don't think filling up large fuel tanks, buying a few
> cases of beer, having 2 or 3 dedicated cooks, and connecting to
> the internet is going to be possible after a major disaster.
>         Field day strayed away from the basic premise of
> emergency communications on a dime and became just another
> contest long ago. This is why I and many others I know, won't
> get in on it. Field Day need a major overhaul!
> It has become a joke...
>             73 Ken n4uk
>       EM84xp South Carolina

While I agree with many of the sentiments expressed above, Field Day is 
still the single biggest and best vehicle available to promote contesting. 
 I think the fun of Field Day is what fuels all those 'not in the contest 
but your 59' QSOs we get from the casual ops all year.  Not only that, it 
provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate what good operating looks 
like.  I love having the locals sit down and listen on the speaker so they 
can see how much fun it is.

The key to enjoying Field Day is to not operate more than 4 hours in the 
weekend!  Don't change anything -- it's one of the few things that is 
actually working pretty well just as it is.

Randy, K5ZD

Randy Thompson                Amateur Radio Call: K5ZD
11 Hollis Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569

H (508) 278-2355             E-mail: k5zd at ultranet.com
W (617) 461-9100 x-150

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