[CQ-Contest] Re: All-Asia CW TEST

Martin Ellis jmellis at ihug.co.nz
Wed Jun 11 23:57:09 EDT 1997

Ken Keeler wrote:
> Does anyone know when the CW All-Asia DX test will be held?
> The announcements in CQ, QST, NCJ, WorldRadio, etc., are in
> disagreement between June 14-15 and June 21-22, 1997.  

Hi Ken,

The info I have for CW is third Saturday of June, ie 
June 21, 1997 

Note the unusual CQ call and exchange  (see extract below).

Martin ZL1ANJ

---------------------------------------starts here:
All Asian DX Contest

 The purpose of this contest is to enhance the activity of radio
amateurs in Asia and to establish as many contacts as possible during
the contest periods between Asian and non-Asian stations.

  1. Contest period:
 (1) CW: 48 hours from 0000 UTC the third Saturday of June to 2400 UTC
next day.

 (2) Phone: 48 hours from 0000 UTC the first Saturday of September to
2400 UTC next day.

  2. Bands:
Amateur bands below 30 MHz (Except 10, 18, 24 MHz).
  3. Entry
   (1) Single operator, 1.9 MHz band (CW only) 
   (2) Single operator, 3.5 MHz band (including 3.8 MHz band) 
   (3) Single operator, 7 MHz band 
   (4) Single operator, 14 MHz band 
   (5) Single operator, 21 MHz band 
   (6) Single operator, 28 MHz band 
   (7) Single operator, Multi band 
   (8) Multioperator, Multi band.

 4. Power, type of emission and frequencies:
    Within the limits of own station license.
 5. Contest call:
    (1) For Asian stations: 
    (a) CW: CQ TEST 
    (b) Phone: CQ CONTEST

    (2) For non-Asian stations: 
    (a) CW: CQ AA 
    (b) Phone: CQ ASIA

 6. Exchange:
   (1) For OM stations: RS(T) report plus two figures denoting 
    operator's age.

   (2) For YL stations: RS(T) report plus two figures "00 (zero zero)".

-----------------------------------------ends here

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