[CQ-Contest] ARRL Letter excerpts

frenaye at pcnet.com frenaye at pcnet.com
Fri Jun 13 18:59:36 EDT 1997

The full ARRL Letter can be found on the ARRL web site at:


The ARRL Letter
Vol. 16, No. 24
June 13, 1997


* Seventeen schools on STS-94 SAREX list
* FCC suspends ticket in interference case  (N2WNF)
* New NL section official for 97 Sweepstakes
* RS-10 silence explained
* Blaha to visit Oklahoma Field Day
* CyberHam Magazine QRX
* Ham Radio & More goes shortwave only
* NY Amateur Radio Month Proclamation presented
* Solar Update
* Thomas O'Malley Moore, K3LTV, SK
* IN BRIEF: This weekend on the radio;
   ARRL requests 7100-7300 kHz for American
   Samoa; DXCC Processing Status; N6TX goes
   full-time with The SETI League; QSTs for Amateur
   in Scouting; AEA Division announces appointments;
   CIB chief quitting FCC; FCC makes 47-GHz band
   spectrum available; Mir SAFEX 70-cm repeater
   operational; AO-27 frequency drift


Keep an ear out for VO1 and VO2 call signs during this fall's ARRL 
Sweepstakes! Canada's new Newfoundland-Labrador (NL) Section will be among 
those that SS participants will have to snag this November on their way to 
that coveted Clean Sweep Award. The ARRL received formal notification of the 

change last week from Radio Amateurs of Canada President J. Farrell "Hoppy" 
Hopwood, VE7RD, although the addition of the NL section actually was 
approved last year. Some NL hams gave NL as their section in last fall's SS, 

although the change had not yet been incorporated into the list of SS 
sections. Joe Craig, VO1NA, of Torbay, Newfoundland, is the Section Manager 
in NL. RAC Vice President and General Counsel Tim Ellam, VE6SH, said the new 

section was created "primarily as it was hard to service VO1/2 from the MAR 
(Maritimes) section due to geography."

The addition of a new section could prove to be a significant challenge for 
those hoping to work all ARRL and RAC sections, plus VE8/VY1 (a total of 79 
multipliers) in the popular fall event. Some Canadian sections already are 
among the more difficult ones to find and work. (A heads up: Ellam says RAC 
has also explored the possibility of creating additional new sections north 
of the border, but no decisions have been reached yet.) The change also 
means that those who use computerized logging programs will have to add the 
new section to their program's list of SS sections--just as they had to do 
last fall with the addition of the Northern New York section.

This year's ARRL Sweepstakes weekends are November 1-2 (CW) and November 
15-16 (SSB).


* This weekend on the radio: ARRL June VHF QSO Party (see May QST, page 
111), Asia Pacific Sprint, West Virginia QSO Party, Portugal Day, WW South 
America CW Contest and the TOEC WW Grid Contest are all on tap for this 
weekend. See June QST, page 103 for details.

* ARRL requests 7100-7300 kHz for American Samoa: The League has asked the 
FCC to amend its Amateur Service rules to permit ham use of 7100 to 7300 kHz 

in the Territory of American Samoa on a non-interference basis to 
broadcasters "as a domestic exception to the International table of 
Frequency Allocations." American Samoa, in ITU Region 3, is an 
unincorporated, unorganized territory of the US some 2100 miles from New 
Zealand. The current 40-meter band in Region 3 extends from 7000 to 7100 
kHz. The ARRL said the absence of ham access to the entire 7000 to 7300 kHz 
band impedes communication "because the emergency communications stations 
that would otherwise be accessible to American Samoa amateurs are 
established above 7100 kHz." The petition notes that Western Samoa, 
Australia and New Zealand all permit domestic use of the entire 7000 to 7300 

kHz allocation by hams as long as harmful interference is not caused to the 
primary occupant of the 7100 to 7300 segment in Region 3, the broadcasting 

* DXCC Processing Status: The DXCC Desk reports that the number of 
unprocessed applications at the end of May 1997 was 350 (28,738 QSLs). The 
DXCC Desk received 443 applications (32,928 QSLs) for endorsements and new 
awards during the month. This compares with 313 applications (25,423 QSLs) 
for April and 322 applications (23,897 QSLs) for March. Applications being 
sent out at the end of May were received about two weeks earlier. A few 
applications received prior to that time were in the process of being 
audited, and so had not yet been completed.

How to Get The ARRL Letter:

The ARRL Letter is distributed directly from ARRL HQ only to elected League 
officials and certain ARRL appointees and to paid subscribers of the 
now-defunct hard-copy edition of The ARRL Letter. For members and nonmembers 

alike, The ARRL Letter is available free of charge from these sources:

* The ARRLWeb page (http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/). This version of The 
ARRL Letter  includes any photographs.

* The HIRAM BBS: 860-594-0306.

* The ARRL Technical Information Server (Info Server): Send an e-mail 
message to info at arrl.org. The subject line should be blank. In the message 
body, type "send ltrmmdd.txt", where mm represents two digits for the month 
and dd represents two digits for the day (The ARRL Letter  is published 
every Friday). For example, to request The ARRL Letter file for Friday, 
January 3, 1997, you'd type "send ltr0103.txt". Then, on a separate line, 
type "quit".

* CompuServe and America Online subscribers, as a downloadable text file in 
the services' ham radio libraries

* The Netcom server, run by the Boston Amateur Radio Club and Mike Ardai, 
N1IST: Send e-mail to listserv at netcom.com (no subject needed). The body of 
the message should say "subscribe letter-list".

E-mail: frenaye at pcnet.com   
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444

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