[CQ-Contest] DXBase 97 -- Getting Even Better!

Bob Schwerdlin bschwerdlin at hlb.com
Tue Jun 24 16:44:24 EDT 1997

I am in total aggreement with you.  I have the same feeling about being
nickle and dimed to death for minor upgrades and patches.

I got on the DXBase bandwagon several years ago at Dayton, with version 3.0
 I then paid for several upgrades and was promissed a windows upgrade, but
only after I dropped an additional $35 to upgrade from the, then version
4.0, to go to version 4.6 at which time, Jack said, I needed to make the
upgrade, due to a change in the database structure.  "There are several
enhancements in this version as well" he said.  So I reluctantly paid for
the upgrade.  I don't even use the features (10x10 and county hunters).

I was bummed at Dayton this year, when the windoze version was still not
available (yet) and was told that I need to upgrade on the spot for the
lowest possible upgrade cost and that WIN DXBase 97 would be shipped soon.
The upgrade cost even for a previous user was $70.  (NO WAY AM I GONNA PAY

I will still use the DOS version, 4.6 for a while, then I will jump ship to
DX4WIN.  I saw it Dayton this year and it looked great.  The cost was in
line at about $70 and the support looked great.  It will even import my
DXBase files.  I'm looking forward to making the switch.

Best of luck, from a longtime DOS DXBase user, that's about to jump ship.


Bob, WG9L, V31RC, FP/WB9VLV 

At 10:02 AM 6/23/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Maybe I'm the only one, but while I really liked DOS DXbase as a product,
>I've been unhappy with the support.
>I shelled out what I consider above average bucks at Dayton for version 4.5
>(2 years ago?).  Shortly afterward they started selling an upgrade which
>provided FT1000MP support and some other minor features for something like
>$35 if I remember correctly.  I really resent being nickel and dimed to
>death.  I cant fault any software manufacturer for collecting new money for
>major upgrades, but interim bug fixes, new radio interfaces, database
>updates, and things of that nature should be free or just $5 for shipping
>or whatever. They should also be available in a very timely manner.
>Actually in this day and age, if you are a software vendor and dont have
>some form of easy online support, you dont deserve to "live".
> I'm still using v4.5, but I'm in the process of switching over to DX4WIN.
>Their package is very powerful and versatile, with online support, and a
>reasonable purchase price with lots of free upgrades/fixes.  In addition,
>they are readily available via internet for any technical problems.
>73, Tyler K3MM
>"...have you had your Daily DX today?"
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