[CQ-Contest] Re: AA Contest-Check Logs

Bob Wolbert k6xx at juno.com
Wed Jun 25 13:21:13 EDT 1997

Regarding the Arrogance of the AA Sponsor:

Folks, it goes far beyond not accepting "CT" format logs. My previous
submissions were ignored because they were printed on 8.5" x 11" paper
instead of the 'official contest log form', which is on the slightly
smaller "A" size sheet. 

In fact, my airmailed logs contained IRCs for prepayment of the year's
results. Contest results have NEVER been received. Yes, this happened
more than once (until I realized how the contest was run). 

Now I save the $10 or so in airmail postage and don't make log

This means I do not make any type of concerted effort in the contest. I
spend about the same amount of time in AA as in the much smaller JIDX
contest (which accepts e-mail logs in "ARRL format").

The intent of this posting is the wild hope that the AA bureaucrats will
become more "customer oriented" and reasonable. AA could become a major
event from here.

73 de Bob, K6XX

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