[CQ-Contest] ts-830s-one last cw filter query.

Mike Smith-VE9AA, Coreen Smith ve9aa at brunnet.net
Tue Mar 18 00:38:17 EST 1997

Hi gang, Thanks AGAIN for the numerous responses regarding
my several questions on the 830s.  Overall, I must say I am extremely 
happy with the informative, friendly, and lengthy emails I (and the 
list) have generated regarding the 830s.  I am buying the 500hz cw 
filter (the yk88c), but am (at your fellows advice) gg to be on the 
lookout for the500hz- 455Khz i.f. one too.  

I beg your indulgence for one last silly question.  Is it possible to 
install a 500hz filter in the 8.83Mhz i.f. but a "2 7 0 hz" filter in 
the 455Khz i.f. ?  I am wondering what this would do.  Surely someone 
has tried it.  Would it be a disaster, or would it function like a 
270hz filter with wider skirts in the next i.f?

The reason I ask this is I may have a line on a cheap 270hz filter 
for the second i.f., but so far have struck out looking for the 500hz 
one for the 455khz i.f. (I just don't have the cash right now to do 
it right by ordering a new one from FoxTango/IRC...BTW
-do they have a web site?)

Thanks much.  I am sure that all this 830s talk has upped the value
of this great contesting rig by at least 10%.

 Appreciate all the helpfulness and suggestions you all have given
and thanks to those that allowed me to indulge the group with all 
this ancient contest rig talk.  If I knew then, what I know now, I 
would have never bought my 3Kilo buck radio, but only bought a used 
830s............Oh well. Some of us are transfixed by those orange 
glowing digital displays. (we all actually know that real radios glow 
in the dark, right?..........  Well, at least the finals do!)

- - . . .    . . . - - 

Michael & Coreen Smith
271 Smith Rd, Waterville
Sunbury Co, NB, E2V 3V6
****new email address*****
ve9aa at brunnet.net

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