[CQ-Contest] WPX Contest

Jimmy R. Floyd floydjr at interpath.com
Sun Mar 23 10:23:32 EST 1997

Let me first say that I agree with N4KG 100%. NO Contest should have zero
points for a contact. Everyone should be worth something even if it is only
one point. If you want to make it better to work someone then make them 2
points or even 5 points. Some contests give more points for contacts on 40,
75, and 160 which I think is good also. The bottom line on the WPX contest
is that the goal is to work a PREFIX, not a state, grid square, county or
country. Mulitpliers is what we shoot for to boast our scores and in this
contest a WA4 counts the same thing as P5, except if you live in the WA4
land or P5 land.

I cannot understand how a station can be a mulitplier but counts zero
points. Two years ago with an hour to go in the test, I went to 75 meters
and started working the US. I know they were zero points but I picked up
about 25 multis at 1000 pts or more a piece. To me this is like saying you
can come, bring your ball and bat but you cannot play by saying these
contacts are zero points.  

I have spoke to CQ about this for the last two years at Dayton and like 
everytime you mention something about changing contest rules I get the same
answer. The records will not be valid. Gimmie me a break on this one. If
you think records are valid now you must be on Nina still coming to the new
world. Most records were made before the advent of two radios for single op
alone, let alone computers and other toys. Heck if you set a record with 
the old rules why couldn't you set one with the new ones.

I suggested on here about 6 months ago and sent letters to the ARRL and CQ
also of what I thought needed to be done. Instead of all the forums where
guys get up and talk about what they have done, which I think is good, we
need to have a contest rule forum. Have Arrl and CQ on the stage and lets
talk rules and regs. Here all these interpations that everyone is making 
from the horse's mouth. I never heard a thing back from either one.

Another thing is that I think with all the new toys everyone is using it is
time to rewrite a lot of rules for a lot of contests. It seems we are going
to rewrite the rules for DXCC why not contesting. The rules were written a
LONG time ago and a lot has changed. People are going to bend rules no
matter what they are but I believe that new rules would cut some of the 
bending down.

Again these are only my opinions and please take them that way. I am only
one voice in a multitude of people here, but remember as we put voices 
together we can become quite a bit louder. Remember as far as DX and 
Contesting goes, ARRL and CQ may run the show to a point, but it is the
hams who pays the bills.

73 and See you in WPX next weekend with a WA4 no one needs. 


           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

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