[CQ-Contest] CHC CW Reminder

wallace offutt woffutt at davinci.netaxis.com
Thu May 1 14:48:18 EDT 1997

A reminder that the County Hunter's Contest CW is this weekend, beginning
at 0000Z Friday night. The rules appear on Page 97 of May QST (they didn't
make it into CQ). 

Last year 15 mobiles were active, and so far I know of eight planning to
make serious efforts this year.  There will no doubt be others.  The
mobiles move from county to county the whole time, so there is a decent
level of activity throughout the contest, not just at the beginning. 

The Texas, Massachusettes, and Connecticut QSO Parties are also scheduled
for this weekend and should bring out even more stations. 

I hope you can join us!


Hal Offutt W1NN/M  
(ex K8HVT)

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