[CQ-Contest] Re: [TowerTalk] TS440 Pitch

Fred Hopengarten k1vr at juno.com
Tue May 6 22:57:21 EDT 1997

When I had a  TS-820, I changed it  to a center pitch of 500 Hz.  It
helps in contests to listen to the lowest possible pitch, as close by
signals are therefore a larger percentage away.  For example:  if you
listen to 800 Hz and an interfering signal is 80 Hz away, it is 10
percent away, and impossible for my ears to distinguish.  But if you
listen to 400 Hz and an interfering signal is 80 Hz away, it is now 20%
away, and I might be able to distinguish between them.

Fred Hopengarten  K1VR                                           
Six Willarch Road
Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
permanent e-mail address:  fhopengarten at mba1972.hbs.edu

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