[CQ-Contest] Recieve Antenna Switching

Phil Lefever plefever at isd.net
Wed May 28 04:52:01 EDT 1997

I am currently using a Yeasu FT-890 and I am interested in adding a
recieving antenna to the farm. Probably a loop or maybe a short bev.
My problem is designing a TX/RX switch to do the swapping. I figure
a simple relay could do the trick but I am concerned with both hot
switching and isolation. What type of relay would be most suited to
the job? If anyone could point me to some information that could help
I would greatly appreciate it.


Phil Lefever   ARS:KB0NES  kb0nes at isd.net		Twin Cities Repeater Club
plefever at isd.net or kb0nes at tcrc.org			Burnsville,MN

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