[CQ-Contest] ATNA

george fremin iii geoiii at bga.com
Wed May 28 23:59:48 EDT 1997

Larry Lindblom-wa0etc writes:
>Has anyone ever considered adding an ATNA translation feature into the
>logging programs.  This feature would automatically convert any alpha
>input in the serial # field into the proper numeric character.  This
>would eliminate the mental translation which causes those like me who
>are code challenged to request multiple fills.  It is hard enough for
>some of us to copy at anything over 25 wpm, let alone to then have to
>mentally convert alpha into numeric and hit the correct keys.

Yep - it has already been added to TR-Log by N6TR. 



George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.     "It is hard to be in one place at the same time."
K5TR                             -- Overheard at the TR-Log booth
512/416-7010                          at the Dayton Hamvention
geoiii at bga.com

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