[CQ-Contest] CQWW: M/S or M/M?

Martin Ellis jmellis at ihug.co.nz
Thu Nov 6 00:33:57 EST 1997

I entered the CQWW SSB with a run rig and a multiplier rig,
and one computer (run) and paper log (multiplier).
But obviously we were under equipped...

But can someone explain how a station with 17 operators,
10 transceivers, 6 amplifiers,and 14 PC's can be a
a Multiop/Singletransmitter effort rather than multi/multi?
Martin ZL1ANJ

================================================starts here
>           Call: IQ4A                     Country:  Italy
>           Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single
>           Location: Monte Capra 444 meters asl near Bologna.
>           Club affiliation: MCC Marconi Contest Club   
>          BAND     QSO     ZONES COUNTRIES
>          160       58        7       58
>           80      294       21       89
>           40     1133       35      135
>           20     1850       39      156
>           15     2055       37      160
>           10      568       31      142
>          ---------------------------------------------------
>Totals    5958      170      740  =>  12,450,450
>     Operator List: 
>     Runner 
>     I4VEQ,  Claudio Veroli
>     I4TJE,  Paolo Giannasi
>     IK2NCJ, Luca Aliprandi
>     IK4DCT  Davide Capelli 
>      Multipliers stations:
>     I4EAT, Fausto Minardi (Low Bands)
>     I4AVG, Franco          (80 meters)
>     IK4MGP Fulvio          (low bands)
>     IK4QJH Giancarlo       (Low bands & PCL Control)     
>     I4IKW, Marco Venturi    (160 meters)
>     IK4EWK Marco De Vietro (20 & 15 Meters, data managment)
>     IK4DCT Davide Capelli   (High Bands)
>     IK4XQH Fabio Marzaduri   (High Bands)
>     IK2JUB Stefano Galli     (high band)
>     IK2MRZ Roberto           (high band)
>     Data managment and technical support:
>     I4IND  Francesco Chiodini 
>     IK4CZF Casimiro Adani
>     I4YRW  Paolo Alessandrini
>     IW4ANU Giorgio Tovoli
>     Equipment Description:
>     Runner: FT1000,IC751, & PA 
>     Alternative Runner IC781,IC761 and PA
>     10 meters: FT1000mp, IC765 and Henry PA
>     40 meters: IC781 and PA 4CX1500
>     80 meters: IC781, IC765 & Henry PA
>     160 meters: FT990 & TL922
>     2 PC's running CT program for Runner station
>     12 PC's in local network with IK4EWK software for
>     multiplier stations  
>     A particular thanks to Fabrizio IK4VYX for installing and
>     supporting us with his fantastic DXTELNET program.
>     Antennas:
>     160:  Shunt feed tower 25 meters, dipoles 
>     80 :  4 1/4 phased verticals & dipoles 
>     40:   3 ele yagi at 22 meters, loop 
>     20:   4 ele yagi & 4 el. quad      
>     15:   6 el. yagi & 4 el. quad
>     10:   5 ele yagi & 4 el. quad 
>     all antennas have indepentent rotation and separate towers.
>     Comments:
>     After 9 years of Multi Single contest activity, our teamwork
>     and station affidability seems to be well tested and without
>     failures.
=================================================ends here

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