[CQ-Contest] M/S questions

Dick Dievendorff dieven at email.msn.com
Wed Nov 5 16:15:09 EST 1997


Yours is not the common interpretation.   The applicable part of the CQWW
rules reads:

C. Multi-Operator Categories (all band operation only).
     1. Single Transmitter, only one transmitter and one band
permitted during any 10 minute period defined as starting with the
first logged QSO on a band.  Exception: One-and only one-other band
may be used during any 10 minute period if-and only if-the station
worked is a new multiplier. Logs found in violation of the 10
minute rule will be automatically reclassified as multi-multi.

The phrase beginning with "Exception" permits the 20 meter operator to make
the new-multiplier QSO CONCURRENT WITH the 40 meter operators run.  The two
transmitters may be keyed concurrently.

I agree with you that this isn't strictly "single transmitter" in the
obvious sense of the phrase.  It's one of the quirks of CQWW that makes
contesters' lives interesting!   I would argue that what is permitted is
what the rules actually say, not what the common-sense interpretation of
"single transmitter" means.

OIher contests have different rules for their Multi-Single category.

I confess that it took me a few readings of the rules and a talk or two with
more experienced folks to understand.  I took it as a rite of passage, one
of contesting's "mysteries of the ages".

By the way, I have in the past operated multi-multi with two guys and two
radios simply because we didn't want to be constrained by the 10-minute rule
and wanted to be able to work anybody we came across.  We had a lot of fun
and made more QSOs and points and suffered less "QSO envy" than we would
have as multi-single.  We did very well for our country.

73 de Dick, K6KR
CQWW M/S operator at K6IDX and GB5CW

-----Original Message-----
From: HENRY <n4vhk at summitschool.com>
To: cq-contest at contesting.com <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Date: Wednesday, November 05, 1997 2:28 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] M/S questions
>Agreed, except that you said "other than for multiplier purposes". Here's
>2 cents..
>An example... If a M/S station is working on 40 (S&P, or run, makes no
>difference), and they find a new mult on 20 , they MUST NOT, by virtue of
>the intent of the rule, call the mult on 20 while working on 40. If they
>are, the intent of the rule seems to put them M/M. Of course, I may be
>wrong, but I understand Martin's frustration. Then again, maybe that's why
>my numbers are not in the top 10, hi.

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