[CQ-Contest] IC706 & amp

vk3ajj vk3ajj at techno.net.au
Sat Nov 8 13:46:52 EST 1997

Dear Reflectees,

Recently bought an ic706 which I plan to use as 2nd contest rig / mobile.

Having trouble connecting it to my tl922 - keeps keying it in receive?? As
usual with ICOM manuals it assumes you are connecting to an Icom amp.

Can anyone help me with the correct pin connections. Respond directly to me.


Paul (vk3ajj)	

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>From Tim Totten, N4GN" <n4gn at iglou.com  Sat Nov  8 05:15:21 1997
From: Tim Totten, N4GN" <n4gn at iglou.com (Tim Totten, N4GN)
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 00:15:21 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Practice of sending "?"
In-Reply-To: < at pop.erols.com>
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.971107225831.15908B-100000 at iglou1>

On Fri, 7 Nov 1997, John Lash (WA2GO) wrote:

> I come across another station and catch the last letter of his call and the
> letters "SS".  
> I send "?", shorthand for asking him to please repeat just his call (NOT
> his entire CQ, as so many do.)

Not to pick on John, and maybe I'm missing something here (if so, I'm sure
someone will point it out!), but I don't particularly like this practice.
Maybe it makes sense if the other guy has a long CQ, but how do you know
this if you only heard the last three or four characters he sent?

When someone sends "?" at the end of one of my CQs, I basically respond
the same way I would if they hadn't sent anything.  That is, if a
third station replied to my CQ, I work that station.  If all I hear is the
"?" station, then I hit the CQ button agn.

The way I figure, if I just send my call, then I have to wait for the "?"
stn to decide whether or not he wants to call me.  In the meantime, I've
done little to attract any other stations to call me.  By sending my
normal CQ (which I always try to keep as short as possible), I give the
"?" stn a split second longer to decide if he wants to call me, AND I
increase the odds of attracting another caller or two, just in case the
"?" stn finds out I'm a dupe.  (In which case, he would legally ID before
leaving the frequency, right?!) 
The really annoying case is when I end a CQ and hear one very weak station
calling me, along with a very loud "?" from someone else, blocking the
weaker stn.  Then I'm usually forced to send something like "DE N4GN QRZ?"
(I don't want to CQ in the face of the weak guy, causing him to give up.)

If I'm in S&P mode and tune across something like ". . . 4UYU SS", I
simply enter "4UYU" in the call window.  TR Log . . . uh, make that RAT
Log, instantly does a partial call check, and if I don't see a red call
with a matching partial at the bottom of my screen, I hit <Enter> to dump
my call in. 

If I only hear something like ". . . U SS", I simply wait for the guy's
next CQ.  This will only be a split second later if no one answers him.  
If someone else DOES answer him, I should probably do something on the
other radio (or VFO), like call CQ myself, and hope my timing's better on 
the next QSO/CQ sequence.

I think I'm making this sound more complex than it is.  The bottom line is
that I don't think the "?" technique is particularly effective for the guy
trying to use it, it's questionable from a legal point of view, and most
importantly, it really has the potential to slow down the CQer.  I'm open
to opinions to the contrary, however.

(While I'm on the subject of picky personal pet peeves, notice that--per
the FAQ--I didn't copy THE ENTIRE ORIGINAL MESSAGE in my reply, only the
four relevant lines.  If you don't know how to do this with your e-mail
software, pse take two or three minutes to learn.)


Tim Totten, n4gn at iglou.com

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