Subject: Re:[CQ-Contest] re: 'Sweep' Contest and EU/

Amateur dl8aam dl8aam at
Sat Nov 8 14:20:03 EST 1997

>Sorry Tom!
>But there is two kinds of contests:
>a) domestic
>b) international
>It is important, or otherwise all the contests are just same.
>73 de Timo OH1NOA/OH0NOA
>  snip
Hy Timo !
because of that reason, we opened in DL all contests for everybody,
all local, region and district contests. But not for multis, only
for getting/giving points. But nobody is forced only to listen to an
active band and not even to work one side of the fun.

best 73, GDX, Tom / DL8AAM
Contest For Ever

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