[CQ-Contest] SS exchange

Dale Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Mon Nov 10 08:01:00 EST 1997

On Sunday, November 09, 1997 13:42 PM, jim funk[SMTP:jfunk at adams.net] wrote:
>KG5U wrote: "ask them something out of context, like 'RST?'"
>I asked four stations for my RST during SS (because I wanted to KNOW...).
>Three of the four disappeared.  The fourth had to be asked five times before 
>he knew what I wanted.  There's a moral there somewhere.
>73, Jim N9JF/really weak in Ill?

Yep, Jim.  Your's was not the only similar response I received 
from my suggestion.
Here's what I determined from it: 

1.  My idea was not a good one. 

2.  No one should do it. 

3.  My access to a keyboard should be inhibited.  :-)


Dale Martin, KG5U
kg5u at hal-pc.org

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