[CQ-Contest] CQWW MS

J.P. Kleinhaus w2xx at cloud9.net
Tue Nov 11 13:44:23 EST 1997

> For a multi single to be competitive you probably need at least three
> stations and six or more operators.

Not so...see the W2A, N2NU and K1NG scores from 1997 CQWW; the KF2ET,
N3RS and K1NG scores from CQWW 1996.  Personally, I feel that if you
go beyond 5 ops, you have thinned out your ranks beyond need.  You
really only need 2 guys (MAYBE 3) up at once.  How many teams can
really field 6-10 competitive ops for a M/S and not have some
of the guys bored to tears?

With all due respect to IQ4A etc., more than two stations are a
luxury, not a necessity.

73, J.P. W2XX
J.P. Kleinhaus, W2XX  (fdba AA2DU)
E-mail:  w2xx at cloud9.net

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