[CQ-Contest] no sleep...READ THIS!

DougKR2Q at aol.com DougKR2Q at aol.com
Sat Oct 4 11:58:29 EDT 1997

Hi contesters.

As for taking "cat naps", you should be aware of this:

Some of the CQWWCC members studied WHEN unique, busted, bad, etc. calls occur
in log.  It was found that the greatest number of errors occur when the
entrant first gets on (or back on) the radio.  Some other CQWWCC members have
discussed (especially for m/s or m/m) having the newly awakened operator
practice on PED (or some other contest simulator software) for half an hour
BEFORE being allowed to sit back down in front of the rig.  THINK ABOUT IT!

On a personal note, I find that it is PSYCHOLOGICALLY satisifying to take
some sleep.  Even though I might be feeling fresh, I like to force myself to
stop, just because part of me THINKS it is what I should do.  A short walk
outside often feels real good too and then I can skip the sleep bit
altogether...or at least for a while longer.

de Doug  KR2Q

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