[CQ-Contest] Email Log Confirmations

Trey Garlough trey at kkn.net
Tue Oct 14 08:55:33 EDT 1997

> I suggest that the log-keepers post either by web page or by reflector a
> list of all from whom they have received email logs.

I think web pages would be the best.  Similarly, 3830 at contesting.com
would be an excellent place to post periodic messages that say "We
have the following logs in hand thus far: ...]"  

> ARRL's confirming message for email submissions is also
> a Good Thing.

But even this doesn't ensure that the log isn't lost going from email
to the log database.  I guess it was ARRL DX where the contest crew at
HQ put up a web page listing the logs received.  This was terrific!

--Trey, N5KO

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