[CQ-Contest] contest QSL ettiquette

jack.sippel at nellcorpb.com jack.sippel at nellcorpb.com
Tue Oct 14 16:59:05 EDT 1997

I just completed the log sheet for my first ever contest - the FISTS 
Fall Sprint.  After my nerves quieted down I really had a blast.  My 
question is this:  What is expected for sending out QSL cards after a 

I asked another op for a QSL card because I needed a verification from 
his state for my W.A.S. award.  I also had one station ask me for one 
during the QSO and I will certainly reply.  Am I expected to send QSL 
cards to everyone I contact?  Do I still need to send in log sheets even 
if I'm sure I'm not going to score high enough to place (it seems like I 
would be adding work to an already overworked volunteer).

Thanks for your thoughts....73 de KU0KU, Jack Sippel, Kansas City
<jack.sippel at nellcorpb.com>

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