[CQ-Contest] QSL practice at ON4UN / OT7T

John Devoldere ON4UN john.devoldere at innet.be
Wed Oct 15 23:08:27 EDT 1997

We (ON4UN / OT7T) QSL every single contact of every single contest with a
beautiful color QSL card via the bureau. That makes approx. 15,000 cards
every year. Fortunately we found a sponsor, hi.

And yes, I hope this helps us attract a few QSO's. So even if by now you do
not need our card any more, because you've already received a dozen or so,
do not hesitate to call us in the contests. We'd appreciate!

If anyone thinks he gets too many of our cards, just don't reply, although
I personally love getting QSL's . All QSL's, ever since I started hamming
in 1961,  are in special drawers in alphabetical order by band. I must have
over 100,000 cards (never counted them), roughly half of them are W-cards.
I have just over 8,000 QSL cards for confirmed QSO's on 160 (probably a few
cards less, as some cards have more than 1 QSO), and 1,882 confiemd W QSO's
on top band. Thanks for all those beautiful cards that contain memories of
many good contacts! I love browsing through the collection. 

Yes, I do consider QSLing the final courtesey of a QSO.

CU in the coming contests as OT7T.


John, ON4UN
*            John Devoldere, ON4UN, AA4OI, OT7T               *
*             e-mail: john.devoldere at innet.be                 *
*                address: Poelstraat 215                      *  
*                         B9820 Merelbele                     * 
*                         Belgium                             *
*                 mailing addres: P.O.Box 41                  *  
*                                 B9000 Gent,                 *
*                                 Belgium                     *
*                                                             *
*                                                             *

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