[CQ-Contest] Allow Packet for everyone! - no thanks

yo3ctk yo3ctk at alltrom.ro
Thu Oct 30 16:47:12 EST 1997

I beg to differ. Please do not assume that everybody can (or want) to
access a packet cluster. If one see fit to use a cluster in the contest,
he/she can always enter SO/assisted category. I assume that we are
talking about INTERNATIONAL contests and not USA domestic contests. It
seems to me that some USA amateurs are tending to forget about
conditions in other parts of the world. As I see it, band/antenna/power
limitations are bad enough for many of us; please do not try to make it
any harder.

Just a personal opinion.

73 de Mike, YO3CTK

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Ramirez [SMTP:Ramirez]
	Sent:	None
	To:	yo3ctk at ALLTROM.RO
	Subject:	[CQ-Contest] Allow Packet for everyone!

	Let's  ask CQ to allow the use of packet for ALL single 
	operators and let the single operators decide how to best use or
	use packet spotting networks.
	73 Ken N4UK

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