[CQ-Contest] Fall airfare sale

Richard L. Gelber RGelber at compuserve.com
Tue Sep 23 18:39:15 EDT 1997

For those planning to travel to points afar for the upcoming fall & winter
contests, please note that the major airlines have airfare sales on now
covering both Caribbean and European destinations. 

The period covered varies from airline to airline, but all include CQWW-CW,
most include CQWW-SSB, and some even last far enough into the winter to
include ARRL DX-CW, if you can plan that far ahead.

The "ticket by" date also varies from airline to airline, and in at least
one case is as soon as this Thursday, Sept. 25th.

In particular, for those going to Europe, be sure to check with American
Airlines for pricing via London, with connecting travel on British Airways
to your final destination.  I got a VERY good fare to Jersey via this

Some day, when I get time, I'll write an article about contest
DXpeditioning and the frequent flyer road warrior.

Rich K2WR / MJ0AWR

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