[CQ-Contest] ARRL ASCII files

Larry Reader readerl at goliath.sunyocc.edu
Tue Apr 7 14:34:57 EDT 1998

Just got off the phone with Sharon Taratula at ARRL.  

After reading some of the posts today about this subject it hit me that
I had submitted the WP2Z.prn file that NA outputs instead of the
WP2Z.log file for both ARRL DX tests.  Both are ASCII but put the info
in somewhat different order.  I really wouldn't want to have those two
efforts tossed!

Sharon assured me that the .prn files I submitted were OK, though she
could not "look it up" since she said no log of entries received and
their status is kept.  She also wasn't aware of the current discussion
going on on the reflector.  

Could it just simply be that she isn't familar with the output files of
the various contesting packages?  After all, if you're looking for a
.log file and all you see is a .prn or .all file you could be misled.

Hopefully nothing more than that.

Trustee, WP2Z

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