[CQ-Contest] A modest proposal

lew at teleport.com lew at teleport.com
Tue Apr 7 23:03:13 EDT 1998

Ladies & Gentlemen of the Contesting Community,
    A week ago I offered up a notion to attempt to inject some
competitiveness back into what I feel is a dying contest. Since then We've
had generally an interesting discussion. The one thing that is very clear
to me is the love of the Sport that has wafted through all the posts. Even
though I may disagree with Jaime, WP3A's feelings to lengthen the test,
rather than shorten it, I respect his opinion and understand why he wants
it that way....He loves to contest! Same with Al, Ty...even the venerable
Dr. Bafoofnik, who has wearied of the discourse.
    My motive in this was not to "get handed a win" or to secure some
overwhelming advantage. A win is worth the competition/trouble that one
has to overcome. What I saw was a chance to propose a change to a fairly
goofily-scored/multed contest, that would result in real competition while
restoring the value of band/mult changing. This could make the test more
of a real race..a test of hardware, software and most importantly the
operator and how he/she uses the gear and the ionosphere. 
     The operative word here is change. I think its necessary for this
test..and desirable for the enhanced competition. But change is usually
fought off until the consequences of no change are apparent..hence the
multiple posts.
    Concerns of fewer contestants due to fewer hours available is not
logical. Most of the players in a contest are of a casual nature and will
be plying the ether with their RF at times conducive to their own whims
and schedules imposed by family or whatever. The few serious operators who
are going for the score, going for the race, doing the CONTEST, will get
on to maximize their score, when they figure it'll be the best for them in
the context of the overall race. Most all of them are reading this right
now. The others will get on to fill in some WAS, or personal goal not
really related to the competition.
    In no way do I wish to limit the operating time of the CQWW or the
ARRL DX. I do want to shorten the CQ-WPX though..it'll make it a better
test. I like to sit in the chair as well as the next person and operate as
long as I can trying to make my brainstem communicate with the higher
centers to squeeze the best score that I can out of the contest. 
What Jeff said about Tim, K3LR is very true. Tim and his crew have kept at
it until they have succeeded. Why even this years ARRL-DX-Phone had 2
Black-holers and perhaps even myself finish in the box. Thats fine, but I
see a need for a contest that is predicated upon factors that will be
perceived as "a real horse race".
     The next evolution of contests/scoring are creeping upon us.
Distance based scoring will become more prevalent...to the detriment of
established tests. Shortening the CQ-WPX now will forstall its demise.
     I believe the Emperor has no clothes in this "contest". Lets at least
get a jock strap on him. The coming years and new contesters will decide
what kind of a gown he'll eventually wear.
    Remember that flames applied to flatulence produce very little
illumination..so keep it to yourself. If its logical though..lets hear it.
   73 and I remain,
         Lew  Sayre   W7EW                lew at teleport.com
         P.O.Box  3110                    Fax 503-391-2258
         Salem, Oregon 97302              160M thru 1296MHz

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