[CQ-Contest] contest QTH for sale

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Fri Apr 10 11:25:43 EDT 1998

At 08:31 PM 4/9/98 -0700, Trey Garlough wrote:
>While I was away Brian Derx, N5BA, left a message on my answering
>machine with the URL of an ad for this outstanding waterfront QTH, and
>I thought I would share it with you guys.  It's the very last property
>listed on this web page.  Joe Bob Marconi says "check it out."
>	http://www.terramarketing.com/property.htm
>--Trey, N5KO

And the best part is, "no known zoning."

73,  Pete Smith N4ZR
In wild, wonderful, fairly rare WEST Virginia

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