[CQ-Contest] contest QTH for sale

Dan Weisenburger kw4t at erols.com
Sat Apr 11 03:59:53 EDT 1998

Gee - Where's I put those Big Money and Power Ball tickets?

Hmmm Let's see,

50  Wealthy contesters from around the world could form an investment

    Buy the QTH - build a resort- hire some of us to run the resort

    Declare independence - receive foreign aid from a number of
different countries

    Have only one governing body - the licensing agency

    Have 100% solar power for buildings, ham stations, and vehicles

    Subdivide the QTH into micro states and issue awards for worked all

    The constitution would grant hams all rights including the right to
generate TVI

    To foster development of solar power and power storage for
night-time, there would be no
         power limits for transmitters

    Only the one property deed making it possible to maximize separation
of Multi/Multi
        antennas and phenomenal stacking arrays while keeping all
antennas on a single piece
        of property.

    Dancing girls in grass skirts could serve pina-coladas  during
non-contest periods.

Just a little inspiration from Lake Moneysgone,  Dan,  KW4T

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