[CQ-Contest] K3LR a winner?

tduffy tduffy at sygnet.com
Thu Apr 9 11:43:43 EDT 1998

Doug KR2Q wrote:

> In a message dated 98-04-07 22:20:15 EDT, N5TJ wrote:
> << didn't see K3LR complain about the East Coast (yea, he's a 3 - but
>  almost an 8) doing all those M/Ms, coming in second, third, etc. No,
> Tim
>  kept up his attack, honing his station and crew. And their efforts
> paid
>  off  >>
> My goodness....can't any of you "entrants" read?  It has NOTHING to do
> honing
> skills.  I've said it before, but nobody listened:
> It has to do with how many CQWW Contest Committee members operate at
> your
> station!  When K2GL/N2AA won nearly all the time, there were 4 (count
> 'em!)
> FOUR CQWWCC types, INCLUDING the Director.
> When did LPL start winning?  When W3ZZ started operating there again.
> Of course K1AR and K1DG are also CQWWCC types.
> How about PJ1B/PJ9B?  Gee...quite a roster of CQWWCC types have
> operated from
> there over the years too.
> And now, K3LR invites over K3EST and N2AA and N9RV.  K3LR moves up
> from "down
> in the hole" to the top of the box scores.

HI Doug!     Thanks for the "The Rest of the Story"!

To be fair, there is a bit more...

There are even more CQWWCC members who operated here for ARRL Phone,
including Pat, N9RV.

Scotty,  N3RA (hasn't missed a K3LR multi multi during the past 6
years), Phil K3UA and John VE3EJ. Having 4 CQWWCC members on the team
was great!

Lots of WRTC talent doesn't hurt either....

The secret to good scores is skilled, dedicated operators, no matter
where your QTH is.

Tim K3LR

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