[CQ-Contest] The WPX Debate

lew at teleport.com lew at teleport.com
Wed Apr 15 03:31:54 EDT 1998

Well.....To anyone who has followed this thread, it is apparent that
CT1BOH  and I feel exactly the same about the WPX. Its a goofy, fun test
that the East Coast will universally win since lengthening the hours of
operation. Nobody else has a chance.  They did...before going from 30 to
36 hours, as was pointed out by N5KO that in the preceding 13 years before
the change 3 different west coast stations and a single mid west station
won the SOAB WPX-SSB test for the US.
    Jose, this isn't about me. This is about the future of Radio
Contesting as a sport. New Hams or older ones trying out contesting need
to have fun to do it again. What I see in posts such as yours is that
it'll ruin the fun "for me". My suggestion to return to the 30 hour limit
for SOAB in this one test..the WPX.. is to give the rest of the US a
small...not equal...but small chance at a win. That chance excites the
non-East Coast and produces much more participation. Those participants
will then try the "real DX tests" where being on for the full time is what
you and I both enjoy.
    Suggestions such as going to the East Coast for the test is pap. Can
average Joe Schmuck do that? I can in a few years go anywhere in the world
to compete against the best...but that is a personal agenda.
   My personal idea of a great test is to sit in the chair for as long as
the rules allow while maximizing my score. But I want contesting to become
stronger with more participants from all over. If that means shortening
the WPX for SOAB to the way it used to be..then so be it. In no way do I
want the CQ-WW or the ARRL-DX hours messed with. I like their flavor. I
like it when some of the "more local" M/S stations ask me how I whipped
them. Explaining the things that KQ2M has discussed in his post to them is
fun. But contesting newbies are initially scared of the hard work and lack
of sleep necessary to place well. They look at the risk vs benefit of
their efforts. The "old" WPX offered them a way to ease into
contesting...to try it out. Once the hook is set, then participation in
the "real" DX Tests follow.
    I was remiss in not acknowledging Bob, KQ2M's post where he had
several good recommendations. He obviously has given this a great deal of
thought. His values with regard to hard work and stretching the limits of
what can be done are great! His dialogue is eloquent and the love of the
contesting sport shows through. We disagree about the WPX...but thats what
this thread is all about. Even his notion that a non east coaster whipping
a half-assed east coast station in a ARRL test at the bottom of the cycle 
and that the non east coast station should be overjoyed by this occurrence
....shows Attitude. The attitude of a winner. There are lots of other
potential winners out there who won't even try the WPX seriously, because
as CT1BOH and others have pointed out...there is no way they can win. That
is our loss..the contesting community's loss.
    My suggestion is simple: The WPX was once 30 hours for SOAB...change
it back.
    Thats what almost all of the private e-mail I've received says.
   Whats a N8BJQ to do?
   I'll send Steve a copy of the ramblings here and then won't disturb the
Big Guns further with my drivel.... unless necessary.
     73 and I remain,
         Lew  Sayre   W7EW                lew at teleport.com
         P.O.Box  3110                    Fax 503-391-2258
         Salem, Oregon 97302              160M thru 1296MHz

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