[CQ-Contest] Continental USA WPX debate

Marijan Miletic S56A at S55TCP.ampr.org
Wed Apr 15 13:48:47 EDT 1998

Mauri, I4JMY takes very scientific approach to contesting and claims:

>  If a little 2-3 DB could make to copy or not, an extra 20 DB is an
>  enormous amount, often impossible to be overcomed.

The trouble is, that some Italian stations use 20dB more than their 300W
legal input power and generate one-way propagations as they simply can NOT
hear DX replies with a reasonable power!  And that has nothing to do with
ionosphere, radiation angles, hops etc...  It is a question of money and
time as knowledge accumulates or can be even bought.

Fortunately, not much attention is paid to the comments outside of continental
USA.  Al, NH7A does not count as CA resident :-)  Even Rich, KL7RA, former East
Coast contester 1968-1971 didn't get any feedback on a very revealing statement:

>Twenty years ago I wrote an article for the Alaska DX association
>on the WPX contest and why it was "best" for Alaska. The fact of
>not having to work multipliers on 80/160 and the time that the East
>Coast had to "wait" out good Europe propagation allowed me to place
>in the top ten. At the same time my CQWW scores were/are a joke.

This reflectors majority atitude is nicely formulated by moderator Bill, W4AN:

>Take a good look at the WPX results and count how many serious efforts
>there are from the west and midwest.  You'll only need one hand for counting.

Doug, K1DG usually takes a good look on contesting and I am sure he would
solicit YU1RL opinion on WPX!

73 de Mario, N1YU at disadvanteged S56A QRA!

P.S.  It was a great pleasure to operate from NH7A station as nature makes
all signals fairly equal in strength in Hawaii!  I was not even homesick for
undisciplined EU ops.  I also liked WRTC-96 and 4U1ITU endless local pile-ups.
KP4, USA, JA, UA and G were just different.

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