[CQ-Contest] Contest hours versus skill

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Wed Apr 15 12:51:30 EDT 1998

I have read through the comments on WPX (and several other contests over the
past two years).  ZD8Z mentioned something that is dear to my heart, the
length of the SS and ARRL DX tests in the early 60's versus hours that one
could work.

The ARRL SS was two weekends long with 70 plus hours and 'YOU" selected the
best 40 hours.  The ARRL DX test was 96 hours and you tried to max the hours
and the score.  Sure if you could run stations you would do well, but
picking the right hours often spelled the difference between winning/top 10
and just being the top station in your country/state/province.  K6EVR and I
waged several wars in the Phone SS...he broke ahead got behind and my job
was to pick the right hours to keep him far enough back so that he would not
beat me with his last hour or so.  W4KFC and W9IOP told me they had the same
battle on CW.

It is the difference between a NASCAR super speedway (run fast) and a road
course where running is important but so are other factors.  I think we need
a variety of contests.  Some are run wide open types and some are road
courses.  For example I have won the OM section of the YL/OM contest 16
times since my first entry in 1962.  The other 5 entries have been 2nd twice
and 3rd 3 times.  You gotta have patience, know propagation as nearly 50%
are DX yL's (Like TA3YJ), and know when they are on.  I think this is one of
the best excercises in DXing/SP and an example of the ultimate road race
type.  If you have not already found out in the CQ 160.. the first evening
in NA is vital.  You run like crazy and then work what is left on Sat nite.  

So let some contests be 36 or 48 hour runs and then let's have some that
bring more skill into play.  Study the rules, operate the contests and I
think you will be surprised that the contests fall into one category or the
other.  Some are combos like the CQ 160.

I think you will be surprised at how much better you will be once you know
how to run and how to DX/SP (speaking to newcomers not you vets).  

We need to be drawing new blood into contesting not feuding over rules/hours!

73, Dave K4JRB


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