[CQ-Contest] Secret Revealed

W1HIJ--Bill W1HIJ at contesting.com
Thu Apr 16 12:41:01 EDT 1998

Prompted by the reference the other day to the "K6LL QSO Party", it gives
me great pleasure to announce that without fanfare, Dave gracious allowed
Scientific American to use an artist's rendering of his latest antenna
project on the cover of it's April issue. Details aren't available, but
suffice to say the caption on the cover is "Flying antenna beams messages
to the city below". If my memory is correct, I think that's Boston below
the plane....

It has been rumored that Dave has given up all other strategic and tactical
planning to concentrate on developing the optimum flight plan for specific

Brought to you with pride by a fellow member of SoCAL Contest Club, 73

Bill, W1HIJ
Newport Beach, CA, DM13bo
Newport Beach RACES (ass't R/O)

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