[CQ-Contest] Contest/DX Pedition Amplifiers

Rob Shapiro - ND3A nd3a at worldnet.att.net
Thu Apr 16 18:24:39 EDT 1998

I have seen various discussions in the past concerning power supplies,
antennas and transceivers suitable for contest/dx peditions, but don't
remember seeing any concerning HF amplifiers.  I wonder what amps people
have travelled with on expeditions and what recommendations there are.
I realize one must balance several factors, i.e. output power, size and
weight, ruggedness, etc. etc.

Thank you very much in advance!

73, Rob

Rob Shapiro - ND3A
Email: nd3a at worldnet.att.net
See my home page at: http://home.att.net/~nd3a
See the PVRC Home Page at: http://www.pvrc.org

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