[CQ-Contest] Re: WPX Scoring Change for 1999!

Federico Jose Baldi fbaldi at pamela.efn.uncor.edu
Sat Apr 18 02:18:41 EDT 1998

On Fri, 17 Apr 1998, Chuck wrote:

> > >"Beginning with the 1999 contest, the scoring will be changed to allow 1 point
> > >for in-country QSO's.
> > Yes that will kill the WPX contest and make it in to a
> > stateside QSO party.
> > de Jim SM2EKM
> I don't think so.  You have to maximize the 3 pt qsos in order to win wpx. One pt
> for in country will stop the annoyance factor and get everyone in the logs who is
> worked.  It is now a major feat for a single band entry US station to make the top
> 10 in the world.
> Chuck, KZ5MM
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

A US station can work 4 other US stations in less time than one DX
station, now they don't need DX any more. Then tou have a new SS with
some idiots in the DX side.

And about the 30/36/48 hours of contest, use your imagination:

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this is 48 hours of FULL propagation from the wining places
(say 9Y, VP2, P4, 3V8,etc).

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the rest of the troup have AT LEAST 36 hours of FULL propagation (W, JA,
LU, I, G, VK, etc.)

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PS: Hope some day I'll write better in english.

 Federico J. Baldi, LU4HKN
 e-mail: fbaldi at pamela.efn.uncor.edu
 Address: E. Larreta 555
          5016 Cordoba

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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