[CQ-Contest] Fw: DX & Contesting Forums Outrage

Jeffrey Clarke KU8E at worldnet.att.net
Sat Apr 18 11:07:38 EDT 1998

 I think the Hamvention has made the wrong call in moving the Contest and
DX forums. I like to pop in and out the forum, like 
 many others do. I really can feel for the guys that hold forums that are
not as well attended as the DX and Contest forums. They
 will be lucky to get anyone to attend their forum just because of the
inconvenience of getting there. I think there will be a big
 drop in attendance at the forums. In my case I probably won't even bother
to go. If the Hamvention is not willing to see this , 
 maybe starting next year some of the contest clubs ( and DX clubs) should
organize the forums away from the Hamvention
 location .  There are plenty of large conference rooms at the Crown Plaza
and you could hold the forums in the afternoon, before
 dinner and the hospitaility suites start up......


> From: Mike Rhodes <weightdn at bright.net>
> To: Contest Reflector <cq-contest at contesting.com>; DX Reflector
<dx at ve7tcp.ampr.org>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Fw: DX & Contesting Forums Outrage
> Date: Friday, April 17, 1998 7:13 PM
> Here is the reply I received to my (less than polite) email to the
> Hamvention Chairman. My impression is that this is the way they intend to
> it from here on out. Even with double the number of buses, I can't think
> a much more inconvenient way to host forums that are each a half day
> Maybe it will work but I'd hate to have to bet much on it.
> Mike / W8DN
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dick Miller <chair at erinet.com>
> To: Mike Rhodes <weightdn at bright.net>
> Date: Friday, April 17, 1998 6:13 PM
> Subject: Re: DX & Contesting Forums Outrage
> >Mike:
> >It is true, the DX and Contest forums will be at Meadowdale High School.
> >It is not possible to use the previous room arrangement for 1998.  It
> >considerable changes in the wiring in the ceiling to set up the room. 
> >is not certain we can still obtain the necessary permits to do the work.
> >The heavy duty theater drapes used to form the room are in need of
> >and repair.  We need further information as to if and where this can be
> >done and what cost.  Furthermore, the room at the high school is an
> >auditorium which provides a much better venue to serve a large group
> >audio/visual services.  We have doubled the buses for the mile and half
> >trip to Meadowdale high school and have provided food service at that
> >location.  These changes were not made in haste or with the intent to
> >inconvenience any group but rather to provide better facilities to you
> >attendees.  We hope you will try to look at the changes from our angle
> >give it a fair chance to work.
> >
> >73,
> >
> >Dick and Jim
> >
> >At 11:36 PM 4/9/1998 -0400, you wrote:
> >>Gentlemen,
> >>  I am trying very hard to come up with the logic of your organization
> >>having moved the DX and Contesting forums off site this year. So far I
> >>failing miserably!
> >>  I truly cannot understand why anyone would move what are probably the
> two
> >>most attended and certainly the two longest forums off site. This makes
> >>virtually impossible for one to stop in for a presentation of interest,
> >>leave and stroll around the hamvention, returning for another
> >>of interest.  I know this is my preferred method of attendance and
> >>that of many others. With a bus ride as the only reasonable (such as it
> is)
> >>method of reaching Meadowdale High School, it would appear that your
> >>intentions are to clear out the few remaining Radio Amateurs who still
> have
> >>and use HF privliges lest we corrupt the minds of the shack-on-the-belt
> >>crowd!!
> >>  I believe your actions are very poorly thought out and will certainly
> not
> >>be well received by a great number of hamvention attendees. I urge you
> >>reconsider in the few weeks that remain between now and hamvention
> weekend.
> >>  AND, in the same breath you increase the price of admission by over
> !!
> >>Thank you very much!!
> >>
> >>Mike Rhodes / W8DN
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
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