[CQ-Contest] Need info on JIDX log submittion

Takao KUMAGAI je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp
Mon Apr 20 10:53:26 EDT 1998

To European contesters

I've been taking care of JIDX contest for several years. I broadcast informations 
on JIDX contest through info-server(jidx-info at dumpty.nal.go.jp), web server
http://jzap.com/je1cka/jidx or this reflector.

I've never given my personal address as the official log submittion address so 
far and I've never received JIDX log. However after the JIDX HF CW contest, 
many logs from Germany and Czecho Rep have been arriving.

I guess some magazines in Dl & OK reported my personal address as the official 
submittion address. I'd like to correct that information, so your input that 
what magazine and the columnist callsign will be greatly appreciated.

'97 Phone High Claimed score will be opened shortly.
Watch above two resouces.
	JIDX contest committee chairman
	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	Internet: je1cka at jzap.com

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