[CQ-Contest] Innovative Idea

VR98BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Tue Aug 4 09:47:28 EDT 1998

While a 3/3/0 (different continent/same continent/same country) Q point
structure for CQ WW has its merits, as I mull things over on my own & watch
the discussion generally deteriorate, I still keep coming back to 3/2/0.

This is a DX contest & DX contacts deserve the most points.  Qs within one's
own continent but with different countries are DX, but are admittedly not as
much DX as those with a different continent & really deserve less.  And while
I like the 3/2/1 structure for CQ WW RTTY, the CW & SSB contests have enough
activity as it is that we don't need to be encouraged to run folks in own

I have been a vocal supporter for change in the CQ WW non-RTTY Q point
structure & must admit that personally, I'd be better off with 3/3/0.
However, 3/2/0 for all instead of 3/1/0 for most & 3/2/0 for a few represents
the least overall change, unifies scoring for all & is merely an extension
of what was determined to be an acceptable change (at least as far as those
bloody Americans were concerned).  I believe if there is to be any change,
3/2/0 stands the best chance & is about the best we can do.

73, VR98BrettGraham

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