[CQ-Contest] re Europe

D Neron otpaphil at erols.com
Wed Aug 12 21:14:55 EDT 1998

Declan - WestNet DX Group wrote:
> Regarding Bill W4AN's question on the lack of activity in the WAE contest,
> well I can only speak for myself but I've had this discussion with several
> EI and GI contesters who are regularly on in the CQWW,CQWPX and ARRL contests.
> The general feeling seemed to be that the QTC feature was a total pain in the
> butt and they would rather go golfing or fishing.
> I'm sure there are lots who will argue its a useful feature,but it seems the
> workers are voting with their feet.
> 73 de Declan EI6FR
> EI6FR - Member of the Jan 1999 Campbell Island DXpedition - ZL9CI
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

I think the QTC is not a big problem to overcome. Note the success the
ARRL has had in generating Sweepstakes activity by offering pins for 200
QSOs and a mug if working all multipliers. A similar approach by the WAE
I think would overcome the resistance of the casual operator to handling
the QTC. I was impressed by the number of casual EU operators who gave
me a LOW qso number (under 10 usually) who at the same time took 10 qtcS
from me because they knew I was operating seriously. I think with a
little incentive, maybe even a nice certificate for submitting 100,200
or more QTCs regardless of their score would generate some more

73 Darrell Neron AB2E/ V26E

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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