[CQ-Contest] Decades of WAE

Marijan Miletic S56A at S55TCP.ampr.org
Thu Aug 13 10:33:42 EDT 1998

WAE is my favored contest as it is the most demanding and inteligent
competition.  It was spoiled once when USA states counted as multipliers.
I operated WAE form USA and enjoyed an easy task of GIVING QTC even before CT.
My 15 years old contest program allows me to type few numbers for QTC time,
switches to callsign field once the letter is entered and goes to serials upon
new numbers.  ENTER should be only pressed with 3A & 9A calls and portables.
This year I was capable to receive 900 QTC typing with two fingers without much
repeats.  Only K1AR and YU1RL beat me but knowingly :-)
As it is DX test, low power category does NOT make sense BUT packet DOES!
It may have alert function for rare DX openings but it is much more helpfull to
know when is an ordinary DX on 80 and 40m because MULTS decide the winners.
I was in top ten WAE on numerous occassions but frequently beaten by DL3DXX.
I though Kasper was running big station but we found that we were both TS :-)
I was also missing TR/CT callsign database while digging weak ones from noise.
But then Mike, NM5M made my day with an email thanking for QSO on 20/15m with
only 5W and the antenna laid on the roof.

If you can't handle weak CW signals and QTC traffic, you better go VHF!

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.
P.S.  Late Jorge, LU8BQ also had WAE as the favored contest.  But there is a
winter down there...

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