[CQ-Contest] QSO B4... NO YOU DIDN'T!

Huml Martin huml at ms.easynet.cz
Thu Dec 10 10:14:15 EST 1998

-----Original Message-----
From:	George Fremin III [SMTP:geoiii at kkn.net]
Sent:	Tuesday, December 08, 1998 3:30 PM
To:	Tom Hammond
Cc:	cq-contest mail list
Subject:	Re: [CQ-Contest] QSO B4... NO YOU DIDN'T!


I have found it eaiser and faster to work dupes that call me when I am 
CQing in every contest  ... 

[Huml Martin]  I agree. I always work dupes - now in WW DX CW as IH9/OL5Y 
I worked 2113 Qs and 167 dupes! It is frightful but faster.
Martin Huml
OK1FUA, OL5Y in the contests
OL5Y at contesting.com

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