[CQ-Contest] QSL'ing

Gary Letchford k0luz at ix.netcom.com
Mon Feb 16 15:44:18 EST 1998

Looking at the stamps on some of the very first qsl cards I 
received,  I find a 1 cent stamp!.   Although everything is
higher now than then,  I don't think that the cost of living
has increased 20 fold!  So the cost of qsling has, as a very
small part of a persons budget, increased for everyone.

But most of the qsl's I received back then were from "real qso's."
Qso's that went further than 59 FLA 73 and GL.  The fraternity
has grown further apart as time has marched on.  I can remember 
that if you saw someone with a ham plate on their car,  you did
all you could do,  to stop them and have a conversation to get to
know them better.  Now,  I see ham plates in cars next to me,  and
neither of us even nod at each other.

This is not to say the world is going to hell in a hand basket,  but
it is a little different than when the saying "the qsl in the final
courtesy of a qso" was first uttered.


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>From Don Moman <ve6jy at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>  Mon Feb 16 20:58:57 1998
From: Don Moman <ve6jy at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca> (Don Moman)
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 13:58:57 -0700 (MST)
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SSB tuning
Message-ID: <Pine.A41.3.95.980216134457.52014C-100000 at fn2.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>

With regards to having people call off frequency, I have experienced quite
an interesting phenomenon on several occasions..... I an not talking about
hearing problems and unmatched VFO's etc.  I and other VE6 stations have
compared notes and it does happen - usually on polar path signals when
conditions are disturbed.  Depending on the location of the dx station,
the amount of frequency compensation may vary. I would imagine it is
because of a doppler shift thing related to the movement of the reflecting
layer. It would be interesting to document what frequency they observe and
if the opposite amount of RIT is needed at their end. 

73 Don
VE6JY at rac.ca

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