[CQ-Contest] QSLing

George Badger w3ab at qsl.net
Tue Feb 17 15:33:12 EST 1998

I've been a licensed ham for more years than I can count on my fingers
and toes and I still dig getting QSL cards. Not for awards but for the
memories of the QSO's. And some are 5NN'ers. At my age, the memory was
the second thing to go. 8-) 
With the advent of desktop publishing, most of us could make cutom cards
for special events or what have you. I do.
I understand the economics involved so I have chosen to drive a 1968 car
and have spare change left over for my other hobbies, ham radio being
To all who have QSL'd me, thank you and to those who haven't, well you
know who you are. Yes I owe cards and they go out monthly.

      / A lot of what appears to be progress  \
     /  is just so much technological rococo! /
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       GEO de Soquel
George M. Badger III/W3AB  w3ab at qsl.net    http://www.mbari.org/~geo

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>From k5zd at ma.ultranet.com" <k5zd at ma.ultranet.com  Wed Feb 18 00:39:48 1998
From: k5zd at ma.ultranet.com" <k5zd at ma.ultranet.com (Randy Thompson)
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 00:39:48 -0000
Subject: [CQ-Contest] K3ZO's QSL post
Message-ID: <01BD3C08.15884920.k5zd at ma.ultranet.com>

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	KF9YL [SMTP:efl at interaccess.com]
> Sent:	Tuesday, February 17, 1998 9:03 AM
> To:	CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> Subject:	[CQ-Contest] K3ZO's QSL post
> First, I agree with Fred.  The final courtesy of a QSO is a QSL card & I
> enjoy sending & receiving QSL cards.  It's a fun part of the hobby.
> My question is, FOR STATESIDE USA CONTEST STATIONS, when you operate a
> contest and make thousands of qsos, what percentage of these contacts
> send you qsl cards?
Good question!

Since March 1, 1993 when I started operating from my current location I 
have logged approximately 92,000 QSOs.  Most of them in contests of all 
types - domestic and DX.

I only answer QSLs -- never originate them.

To date, I have received/checked QSLs for 5548 of those QSOs.  There is a 
box of about 1000 QSL cards waiting to be checked.

Here is the amazing part -- I have only received 189 QSL cards from USA 
stations during this period.

I do get lots of EU QSLs for low band contacts saying "first W5!" and such. 
 But don't get many cards saying need MA for WAS...

Randy, K5ZD

Randy Thompson                                              Amateur Radio 
Call: K5ZD
11 Hollis Street, Uxbridge, MA 01569
Tel (h) 508-278-2355 (w) 508-337-6600 x-213
E-mail k5zd at ma.ultranet.com

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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