[CQ-Contest] ARRL CW Big Gun Comparison

John Brosnahan broz at csn.net
Mon Feb 23 08:14:57 EST 1998

>Again, please don´t take this too seriously, this is just to give you an
>idea how guys compared up here in Finland. 


The comparison is interesting but I was surprised not to see W0UN 
(George, W0UA, op) listed.  George did a very nice single-20M effort
from here, resulting in 1576 QSOs with 105 countries.  The 496,440
points breaks the existing record in the W0-district by 33% and also 
breaks the existing records in W3, W4, W5, W6, W7, and W9 districts,
as well.  But after examining the list a little closer I see that there are 
no western US stations because the time is just too early for much
propagation from out west.  (The two W0 stations listed are eastern 
W0s (NS0Z/K4VX is about 1400 km east of here), there are no W7s 
listed, and the two W6s listed are both on the east coast.  Nearby 
K0RF is also not listed and did a M/M with 1380/106 on 20M.)

Yes, it is fun to see the lists, and I appreciate your efforts--just wish 
you had done another one about 2 hours later, so we could see how 
signals from this part of the country were doing when the band actually
opened for us!

Saturday morning here was quite good, but Sunday was very poor 
for us--frustrating to see how well stations to the east of us were doing.
Not sure what kind of geo-magnetic activity happened but conditions
were such that we were shut out of a lot of the typical European path
on Sunday--which, for us, goes through the magnetic pole region and 
is very subject to disturbances.  To get some idea of the effect of the 
poorer propagation on Sunday you just have to compare the QSO 
totals for the two days.  In typically-good conditions the QSO total 
for the second day is approximately 50% of that of the first day.  For 
this ARRL test the second day resulted in only 25% more QSOs.  
Pretty disappointing, limiting what might have been a very impressive 
score to one that is still quite good, but not what we had hoped for 
based on the first day's results.

Also noted were the comments from DL4YAO who did a  Single-40m, 

>Comments:  "Very few signals from W0 call area.....The only Mid-West 
>who was loud was K4VX."  (K4VX and NS0Z are the same station and 
the 1400 km is VERY significant, obviously.)

Maybe whatever happened to the western W0s on 40M 
was also happening to them(us) on 20M!

73  John  W0UN

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