[CQ-Contest] Jan. 98 CQ out

bogus at does.not.exist.com bogus at does.not.exist.com
Fri Jan 2 16:51:26 EST 1998

Stopped by the local magazine outlet to pick up some fishing magazines
and noticed the latest CQ was on the shelf.  Don't know what happened to
my subscription copy; December's label indicated that I'm good till

Front cover photo of inside of N4CH's shack with more radios than some
hamfests, and some AES and HRO outlets.  More details are inside on the
Contents page.

Contest related items:  How to Make Your Own Tank Circuit Coil Form;
Rules - CQ WPX Contest; 97 CQ WPX CW Contest High-Claimed Scores; Contest
Calendar - 1998 Contest Resolutions; and Propagation column - 1998 Looks
Like A Very Good Year!

Other interesting items:  The QRP 30 Plus - A Compact 30 Meter
Transceiver (construction project); Longer Than Longwave - Part 1, How
Low is Low? (ULF, ELF, & VLF); Learn To Copy CW The Hard Way; The J-Pole
Antenna (although this project is for 2 meters, how about scaling it to
160-40?); Math's Notes column - further ideas regarding RFI and EMI;
World of Ideas column - Small Rigs are Big News in 98 (more QRP);
Washington Readout column - Vanity Callsigns Available to All Amateurs.

Ads:  Still no ads for the new Icom IC746 or Yaesu FT846.

Happy New Year!

73 and Good Reading,
Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
Raleigh, NC

"Trees are not for wire antennas only!"

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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