[CQ-Contest] RTTY Roundup Rules

Bruce Sawyer N6NT at worldnet.att.net
Fri Jan 2 18:35:07 EST 1998

I was just browsing through the December QST today, looking at the contest
rules section, and noticed something that may be a bit surprising about the
RTTY Roundup this weekend.  Maybe this is intentional, maybe not, but the
way I read it--

a.  "General Rules", in the section on the Multi-Single category, says that
this about the category: "In those contests that do not have Single Operator
Assisted class, includes those single operators that [sic] use any form of
spotting assistance such as from nets or PacketCluster.  (page 103)

b.  Section on that same page says Multi-Single stations are
"limited to 6 band changes (maximum) in any clock hour".

c.  RTTY Roundup Rules on page 101 says the only classes in this contest are
Single Op Low Power, Single Op High Power, and Multi Single.

The way I read all of this, then, is that anybody who gets on this weekend
and chases packet spots will be DQed if he makes more than 6 band changes in
any given clock hour (defined as [paragraph on page 103] "from
zero through 59 minutes").

(Actually, I did skip one little step in the logic there.  The rules say
simply that if you break the band change rule when you are M/S, then you
will be reclassified as M/M.  But there is no M/M in this contest, so what
else could they do but DQ you?)

Kinda defeats the purpose of being a packet spot chaser, doesn't it????  But
does anybody want to place bets on how thoroughly this will be enforced?

Bruce, N6NT

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